Vendor productsProducts found: 124

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KSh. 1,740
Common open pollinated beet root variety. This variety is grown for its roots and leaves. • This variety is grown for its roots and leaves. • Does well in relatively cool areas. • Has a red globular root. • Matures in 75-90 days. • Is gaining popularity with nutritionists.
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KSh. 1,392
(VAT inclusive)
High yielding quality red sweet pepper ideal for greenhouse production. Attractive firm red coloured fruits. High class greenhouse selection Blocky shaped fruits with uniform colour change from green to red. Yield potential: 30 tons/acre Maturity: 75 days (green) 90 days (ripe) from...
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KSh. 4,410
(VAT inclusive)
Rhodes grass is utilized more for grazing than for hay. It is not considered a high-quality grass but is suited where ease of establishment is more important than good quality. It establishes easily with a creeping growth habit and good seed production. It is adapted to most soil types, with...
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KSh. 8,266
Rimon Supra 100 SC is growth regulator insecticide based on benzoylphenyl urea compound for control of caterpillars at all stages on roses. Mode of Action Rimon Supra 100 SC has a strong stomach activity and slight contact activity. It does not have ovicidal activity, but gives a...
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KSh. 12,458
(VAT inclusive)
Deep red flesh mid-season maturing watermelon. Matures in the Mid-season Deep red flesh SHAPE:Oblong to elongated RIND: Wide dark stripes WEIGHT(KG): 11 - 13 FLESH: Deep red, Crisp and very sweet
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KSh. 21,228
(VAT inclusive)
Russet F1 is an onion variety that is very firm, red flesh color and strong plant vigor. SKIN: Red  SHAPE: Granex round  RELATIVE MATURITY: Early  MONTHS STORAGE: 3 – 3.5. Resistant to pink rot.
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KSh. 4,350
Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas. Governor combines genetics from two of Agriseeds’ most popular previous cultivars to set a...
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KSh. 1,744
SAF-T-SIDE 800 EC is a suffocation insectide used in the control of spidermites,white flies,thrips,mealy bugs. Target pests/pathogens                                              ...
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KSh. 28,066
(VAT inclusive)
A greenhouse cucumber variety. • For greenhouse production • Long shelf life • Parthenocarpic type COLOR: Dark green LENGTH(CM): 14 - 16 SEASON: All year round Resistances; Powdery Mildew
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KSh. ‍689‍
SEED POWER is a seed dresser (insecticide/fungicide) that provides doubled-powered seedling protection for the control of aphids, cutworms, chafer grubs, and soil diseases in Cereals, Legumes, and Canola. Imidacloprid 200g/L+ Difenconazole 50g Maize – 3L/Ton/ 4 litres of water Wheat...
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KSh. 15,341
(VAT inclusive)
A glossy red pepper variety suitable for the export market. • Extended shelf life • Open Field Production • Thin Fruit walls • Extended shelf life • Open pollinated variety • When the fruits are ripe they turn dark red and very glossy • Suitable for the local market and also export...
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KSh. 13,920
(VAT inclusive)
A white/yellowish early maturing hybrid onion variety. High yielding Early maturity Very firm, white/yellowish bulbs Good pungency  Extended shelf life SKIN: White/ yellowish SHAPE: Globe RELATIVE MATURITY: Early Resistances; Pink root
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KSh. 4,176
(VAT inclusive)
Improved shanty F1 tomato is an open field determinate tomato variety. • Determinate hybrid variety • Open fi eld bush or staking • Extended shelf life SHAPE: Oval WEIGHT(Gr): 140 - 160/fruit Resistances • Vd • Fol (race 1, 2) • ToMV • ToTV • TYLCV • TSWV • Pst • Ma
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KSh. 1,329
(VAT inclusive)
Liquid Boron for correction of Boron deficiencies. Also corrects Nitrogen deficiency to some extent. AI: 15% B & 6.5% N in heavy suspension. Promotes pollination, flower induction and seed reproduction.
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KSh. 11,000
(VAT inclusive)
•  Extended shelf life •  Strong vigory •  Late relative maturity   •  Extended shelf life •  Strong vigory •  Late relative maturity   FRUIT COLOR: Green-Red FRUIT SIZE W/L(CM): 4 x 6 PLANT HEIGHT AND HABIT: Uprigh  
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KSh. ‍630‍
SUPER NITRO HUMIC is a biostimulant / synergizer containing nitrogen and humic acid to correct nitrogen deficiency and aids in absorption of nutrients. Application rate:  Foliar: 5-10L/Ha  Drenching: 10-20L/Ha  32.0% Liquid Nitrogen + 4% Humic acid
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KSh. 3,190
(VAT inclusive)
Well filled heads with good field holding capacity.  Taurus F1  Recommended plant population 25,000 - 35,000 pl/ha  Well filled heads with good field holding capacity. Strong against bolting and bursting.  Resistance: Black rot (Xcc) and Fusarium Conglutinas (Foc). ...
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KSh. ‍988‍
Tivag breaks the seed dormancy & enhances sprouting growth. It also helps in stem elongation, flowering & budding in tomatoes & development of new shouts in miraa. Gibberellic acid 40g/L Potatoes; 10ml/20L - Breaking seed dormancy & promotes new shoots.   Description TIVAG is...
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KSh. 3,886
(VAT inclusive)
Nova F1 hybrid tomato is a long-determinate, high yielding and exhibits strong tolerance to bacterial wilt. Long-determinate variety. Mid-early maturity. Strong vigorous plant with dark green foliage cover for open field production. High yielding. Strong tolerance to bacterial wilt....
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KSh. 4,234
(VAT inclusive)
TOMATO SVTE 8444 F1, with a high yield potential and resistant to viral diseases and nematodes.   Ideal for Rumuruti, Narok and Loitoktok regions. Features; Early maturity (75-80 days). Large firm fruits 140g - 160g. Good resistance to TYLCV, nematodes and performs well under cold...
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KSh. 5,812
(VAT inclusive)
An indeterminate tomato variety with medium vigor and high yield. Elongated fruits, uniform red color with excellent shelf life. Ideal for greenhouse production. Growing recommended cycle- Autumn short cycle (Spain)/ Spring – Summer cycle hot conditions (Mexico). Fruit size with an...
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KSh. 1,894
Insecticide for the control of Aphids, Whiteflies, Thrips and Caterpillars on Tomatoes, French beans and Snow peas. Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC
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KSh. 3,200
(VAT inclusive)
For both open field production and under cover For both open field production and under cover Wide adaptability Strong vigorous plant Semi erect plant habit, Very prolific For export and local market. RELATIVE MATURITY: 75 days COLOR: Glossy dark purple, SHAPE: Round
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KSh. 1,479
(VAT inclusive)
Compact head formation good for long distance transportation. -Vigorous plant growth  -Good heat and tolerance  -Blue-green leaves with excellent head cover  -Excellent field holding capacity  Avg weight: 3-4.5kg  Early maturing: 70-75 days ...
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