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KSh. 3,422
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KSh. 14,688
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Cucumber Carmen is a nice variety mainly for greenhouse. Parthenocarpic type Good shelf life Greenhouse production Early Maturing
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KSh. 9,286
(VAT inclusive)
The  first 'TASTE' tomato variety in Kenya. Attack your taste buds with a rush of tartness, with extra high level of lycopene. As a bonus, early maturing & produces generously; is suitable for greenhouse production.  Elongated fruit • Excellent fl avor and Brix • Extra high level of...
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KSh. 15,846
(VAT inclusive)
High yield, good taste, intense red color. Plant   Vigor:  Medium Maturity:  Medium Picking:  Loose Fruit shape:  Oval Recommended growing system:  Greenhouse Planting season:  Year round   Fruit Fruit type: Cherry...
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KSh. 12,565
(VAT inclusive)
Cherry Tomato red beauty is a greenhouse variety with a nice cluster and deep red color. Nice cluster Deep red colour Greenhouse Variety SHAPE: Globe WEIGHT(Gr): 10 – 20 Vd Fol ToMV
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KSh. 2,565
(VAT inclusive)
Chicory, specifically the Commander variety, is a prized forage crop that stands tall in the world of livestock nutrition. With its deep taproots and nutrient-rich leaves, Commander Chicory offers a dependable source of high-quality forage.
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KSh. 2,461
A suspension concentrate systemic insecticide for the control of sap feeding insects on agricultural crops. Sulfoxaflor 240g/L   Re - entry interval:   Do not enter treated area until spray deposit has dried unless wearing protective clothing.  
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KSh. 1,949
(VAT inclusive)
Early maturing hybrid variety. Harvesting starts 30-45 days after transplant. Compact plant with very short internodes. Dark green medium sized leaves. Soft leaves with pleasant taste and good shelf life. Good tolerance to heat and cold for all year round growing. Resistant to stem rot.
Open pollinated medium early maturity cabbage. Medium early maturity Small to medium head Round and light green head Recommended for cool season
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KSh. 1,340
(VAT inclusive)
High yielding open pollinated cucumber variety Grows well in hot climatic conditions. Maturity period is one and a half to two months. It yields about 16-32 tonns per ha. Early maturing. Very popular in the local market. Very high yielding.
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KSh. 1,363
(VAT inclusive)
Destiny is in the mid-early maturity class with dwarf plants that produce broccoli with a nice smooth dome and round shape. Destiny has medium-small beads with good heat tolerance. Maturity - 75 days Head size - 350-400g Population - 15,000 - 20,000 heads per acre
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KSh. 2,385
(VAT inclusive)
Dolichos, particularly the Highworth variety, is a valuable forage crop with distinct advantages. Here’s why Dolichos, Highworth, shines in forage systems: High Nutritional Value: Highworth Dolichos offers nutritious forage, rich in protein and essential nutrients, making it a top choice...
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KSh. 1,006
[DISCONTINUED] Replaced with Amicop 50WP An effective broad spectrum copper based fungicide containing 50% metallic copper.     Active Ingredient: Copper Oxychloride 50% Copper helps with the formation of cell wall in tomato. Targets : -Early and late blight...
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KSh. 2,035
(VAT inclusive)
Bears Deep red blocky oval fruit with thick skin weighing on average 150g per fruit. The fruits have a shelf life of 21 days when harvested at color break fruit stage.   Yield-50000kgs per acre, Disease resistance; Verticilium wilt,  Fusarium wilt,  Tomato...
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KSh. 5,754
(VAT inclusive)
EVA F1 is an Indeterminate hybrid variety with an Extended shelf life. Indeterminate hybrid variety Extended shelf life Good resistance to cracking Flower setting at high temperatures Greenhouse / Net house production Staking growing system Flower setting at high temperatures...
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KSh. 7,491
(VAT inclusive)
Compact plant with concentrated yield and large fruit for red and green picking. Size (WxL): 9 x10 cm Weight (gr.):  250-300 Maturity:  Early Fruit Walls:  Thick Plant Height & Habit:  Compact Growing System:  Bush or Spanish trellising for open...
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KSh. 3,000
(VAT inclusive)
Vigorous cauliflower variety with good self-cover. Maturity is 75-80 days from transplanting Variety for fresh market Nice smooth curd Vigorous variety with good self-cover Very uniform in harvest Good heat tolerance Nice clean bottom
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KSh. 1,353
(VAT inclusive)
Bargrazer is a forage sorghum X sudan hybrid variety that has proven itself time after time. It is widely adapted, doing well on sandy-, loam-, and clay soil. It provides good quality grazing and is ideal for making hay. General comments It requires seasonal rainfall of more than 500 mm...
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KSh. ‍638‍
(VAT inclusive)
This is an old and popular leafy vegetable variety. It is well adapted and thus can grow in a wide range of environments. It is resistant to black rot and diamond black moth. It is very popular in the local market. It has a long harvesting period depending on the amount of nutrients...
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KSh. 2,551
Copper based fungicide and bactericide, for the control of early blight, bacterial blight, black spots and septoria leaf spots.   Target pests/pathogens                                      ...
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KSh. 1,334
(VAT inclusive)
Very sweet taste with pleasant aroma. • Very sweet taste with pleasant aroma. • Small seed cavity. • Light green flesh color • Very good netting • Long shelf-life • Bush growth undercover and open field Skin color: Yellow Days from planting to harvest: 75 Ave. sd/gr. : 43 Ave. Fruit...
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KSh. 4,344
GALIGAN is a selective pre and post emergence herbicide with active ingredient Oxyfluorfen 240g/L for controlling broad leaf and annual grass weeds. Oxyfluorfen 240g/L RATE: 0.3 L/Ha  STAGE OF USE: Rain or irrigation is essential for activation of the residual effect of GALIGAN....
Active IngredientsOxyfluorfen
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KSh. 5,321
(VAT inclusive)
Galilea F1 hybrid tomato is a determinate open field variety with good leaf coverage, while its fruits are oval-shaped, weigh approximately 150-180 grams, and have an extended shelf life. Determinate saladette tomato Unique high-quality fruit and shelf life for long range transportability...
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KSh. ‍582‍
GOLAN 20 SP is a systemic translaminar insecticide used in the control of white flies,thrips, aphids, leaf miners, and mealy bugs. ACTIVE INGREDIENT; Acetamiprid 200g/L MODE / RATE OF USE; 5g/20L, 0.25Kg/Ha
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Amiran Kenya

Our mission is to bring the highest quality products and state-of-the art technology from world class suppliers to develop new services in the growing, but challenging markets ...


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