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KSh. ‍600‍
A granular contact nematicide for the control of nematodes in citrus, potatoes, tobacco and certain vegetables as indicate   ACTIVE INGREDIENT ;  ethoprophos (organophosphate)
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KSh. 1,135
(VAT inclusive)
• It’s a determinate hybrid tomato • High tolerance to Bacterial Wilt Disease and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus • Shelf life of up to 21 days when harvested at the breaker stage • Suitable for long distance transportation • • It’s a determinate hybrid...
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KSh. 1,700
PRAZIPET PLUS is a broad spectrum dewormer in tablet form and contains 3 active ingredients: •Praziquantel (effective against tapeworms); •Pyrantel pamoate (effective against roundworms and hookworms); •Febantel (effective against nematode Pets are part of our everyday lives and part of our...
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KSh. 12,000
Rottweilers are a powerful, muscular breed. The large frame of this breed can place stress on their bones and joints, that’s why our ROYAL CANIN® Rottweiler breed-specific nutrition has been formulated and designed to meet this breed’s un Suitable for Rottweilers aged 18 months...
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KSh. ‍650‍
A broad spectrum acaricide that controls all ticks, blowfly larva, biting flies and fleas on cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, horses, and donkeys. INDICATIONS: Steladone 300 EC is a stable emulsifiable concentrate formulated to control all stages of tick species, keds, screw worms, fleas,...
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KSh. ‍970‍
TIXFIX controls ticks that are resistant to arsenic, organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates and synthetic pyrethroids. TIXFIX controls ticks that are resistant to arsenic, organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates and synthetic pyrethroids.Tixfix is an acaricide for veterinary use as...
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KSh. 1,723
(VAT inclusive)
An Indeterminate hybrid tomato  • An Indeterminate hybrid tomato • Oval in shape and very firm • Bears cluster of 7-9 fruits • Tolerant to Bacterial Wilt Disease and Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease • Shelf life of up to 21 days when harvested at the breaker stage • Matures in 60-70 days...
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KSh. ‍880‍
ULTRAGRAZE FORAGE SORGHUM is good for silage, green fodder or dry fodder. Its very sweet with sugar content of 16 –18 Brix and a yield potential of 40 tonnes/acre. -Highly tolerant to drought -Highly tolerant to leaf diseases -Very sweet with sugar content of 16 – 18 Brix...
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KSh. ‍223‍
Ultramix Joto is a mineral supplement specially formulated to enable consistent heat and fertility in both heifers and cows. It provides Calcium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Cobalt, Iodine and trace elements including Copper in the required quantities by the body. Ultramix Joto provides the correct...
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KSh. ‍260‍
Ultramix maziwa is a special balanced mineral supplement formulated for dairy cow to provide it with minerals necessary for maintenance, heat expression and milk production.
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KSh. ‍104‍
A balanced mineral supplement formulated for beef cattle and calves for faster growth and more meat.
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KSh. 4,950
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KSh. 2,146
(VAT inclusive)
It ensures hygiene in houses for poultry, cattle, pigs, brooderies and slaughter houses. It can be used even in wet and muddy surfaces. Ultraxide is also a water sterilant. Ultraxide is a modern pleasant smelling disinfectant for eliminating disease causing micro organisms. It is a combination...
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KSh. 1,288
VALBAZEN is an Oral Suspension for Use in Cattle, Sheep, and Goats for removal and control of liver flukes, tapeworms, stomach worms (including 4th stage inhibited larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi), intestinal worms, and lungworms in cattle and sheep and for the treatment of adult liver flukes in nonlactating goats.
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KSh. 2,656
VALBAZEN is an Oral Suspension for Use in Cattle, Sheep, and Goats for removal and control of liver flukes, tapeworms, stomach worms (including 4th stage inhibited larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi), intestinal worms, and lungworms in cattle and sheep and for the treatment of adult liver flukes in nonlactating goats
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KSh. ‍926‍
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ABOUT US Kenyan company in the Animal Health and Seed industry providing quality farming solutions to farmers. Formed in November 2000, we are a Kenyan company that suppl...


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