Crop ProductionProducts found: 64

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Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,005
(VAT inclusive)
A medium head size cabbage suitable for all markets. Quisor is a blue-green cabbage with a compact medium head for dryer and cooler areas or periods. The variety is known for the round shaped compact heads which is ideal for most domestic markets. The variety also has good trans-portability due...
In stock
KSh. 1,140
REVUS® 250SC  is the new standard in the control of downy mildew and blight in potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables roses and other Ornamental Crops. Protects the crop against new infections. Prevents disease infectionof new growth. Does not easily wash off hence continued protection...
In stock
KSh. 2,700
RIDOMIL GOLD® MZ 68 WG is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the Oomycete fungi. RIDOMIL GOLD controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. RIDOMIL GOLD is a highly effective...
In stock
KSh. 1,794
(VAT inclusive)
A Fresh market hybrid red cabbage variety that shows exemplary performance throughout all seasons.  The variety exhibits good field standing ability and ensures production of cabbage heads with an attractive colour. It is a medium maturing variety with round to high round head shape ...
In stock
KSh. ‍785‍
SCORE 250 EC is a  broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of Leaf Rust and Leaf Spots in vegetables and ornamentals. Score is a systemic fungicide for long-lasting preventive and strong curative action. It has broad-spectrum disease control against...
In stock
KSh. 1,820
SERVIAN® 75WG is a selective early post-emergence herbicide for control of yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedges and certain broadleaf weeds in barley, wheat, maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredient 750g/kg Halosulfuron-methyl Formulation Wettable Granules (WG)  WHO Classification...
Out of stock
KSh. 11,855
SWITCH® 62.5WG is a fungicide with combined contact and systemic properties for the control of Botrytis (Grey Mold) in ornamentals. Combined contact and systemic activity for reliable control of Botrytis. New chemistry - no cross-resistance provides a solution where resistant fungi has...
In stock
KSh. 10,600
The broad spectrum curative and systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in ornamentals. Formulation Suspension Concentrate Active Ingredient Thiabendazole 500g/Litre WHO Class : III Mode of Action Thiabendazole is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative activity....
In stock
KSh. ‍920‍
Thiovit Jet provides superior contact, fumigant and residual activity against mites and powdery mildew, due to its optimum particle size. It is used in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee, tea, cashews and field crops  Active ingredient 80g/lt  Sulphur...
In stock
KSh. 19,475
TOPIK® 080EC is a post-emergence wheat herbicide for control of annual grasses like love grass ( Setaria spp. ), wild oats ( Avena spp. ), wild finger millet ( Eleusine indica ), Guinea grass ( Panicum maximum ) among others. It's a unique selective herbicide that provides reliable control...
In stock
KSh. 1,570
TOUCHDOWN FORTE® 500SL with Hitech technology is a systemic post-emergence non selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and perenial weeds The new TOUCHDOWN with "hi-tech" technology is a systematic post-emergence non-selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 22,425
TRAXOS® 045EC is a post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses in wheat. Active ingredient 22.5 g/L Pinoxaden 22.5 g/L Clodinafop-propargyl (as safener-5.63g/L Cloquintocet-methyl) Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) WHO classification III Mode of...
In stock
KSh. 3,044
(VAT inclusive)
A Variety for the Fresh Green and Red Market with a Good Disease Pack and Additional Resistance to TSWV. Technical Data Plant Strong Plant, Good Canopy Earliness Medium Fruit Blocky and Thick - Walled Average Fruit Size is Extra - Large Average Fruit Weight 250gm Yield 35 -...
In stock
KSh. 1,068
(VAT inclusive)
Uniform, bigger head size cabbage with excellent head coverage that guarantees freshness to the market. Triperio is a blue-green cabbage with a compact large head. Has a strong stem elevation above ground with very high uniformity in the field Color: Blue- green      ...
In stock
KSh. 4,468
(VAT inclusive)
An indeterminate hybrid for fresh market with excellent sweet taste. The variety is known for high production of oval shape and very firm fruits and is ideal for all local markets where elongated fruits are requested. A very vigorous plant with good cover that produces high yields of high...
In stock
KSh. 1,090
Insecticide for Control of Diamond back moth on cabbage, spider mites, leaf miners and caterpillars on tomatoes and leaf miners and thrips on squash. Insecticide for Control of Diamond back moth on cabbage, spider mites, leaf miners and caterpillars on tomatoes and leaf miners and thrips...

Syngenta East Africa Limited strives to bring “plant potential to life” through innovative solutions to maximise yields, enhancing quality and limiting post harvest losses.


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