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KSh. 14,300
(VAT inclusive)
A superior Hybrid Red Onion. Characteristics: A short very strong plant with narrow neck Very uniform globe bulb shape Bright red-violet coloured skin with good pungency Dark/deep red scales and white flesh which develops into dark red rings once cured Excellent for fresh market and...
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KSh. 2,425
(VAT inclusive)
A very early maturing variety . A farmers' favourite. Characteristics: Well adapted onion to both rain fed and irrigation  Maturity only 90 days from transplanting  Strong pungency  Yield potential 25 - 30 tons per acre  Long shelf life of up to 6 months at...
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KSh. ‍650‍
A vigorous hybrid pawpaw with excellent setting ability. Characteristics:  A vigorous hybrid with evident dwarf plant habit Strong thick stems Good level of virus resistance Excellent setting ability Med-large size fruit with thick flesh Attractive red colour...
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KSh. 1,016
(VAT inclusive)
Rio Grande tomato produces high yields of large red pear-shaped tomatoes . They are thick and meaty, with a flavor that is mildly sweet with a little of that old fashioned tart tomato flavor.
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KSh. 2,600
(VAT inclusive)
A very vigorous, self-determinate heavy yielding plant. Deep red colour, large oval fruits. Characteristics: Determinate Maturity 75 days after transplanting Average weight: 130g - 150g Yield potential: 30 tonnes per acre Strong plant with good cover Firm, very good shelf life (21...
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KSh. 2,000
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent outdoor tomato with a perfect oval shape. Characteristics:  Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 150 grams Yield potential 30 tonnes per acre Excellent shelf life and transportability Resistances / Tolerances: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus...
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KSh. 2,200
(VAT inclusive)
A fine bean with beautiful pods   Characteristics:   Pod length: 14 - 16 cm Pod diameter: 6 - 8 mm Pod shape: circular and straight Pod colour: uniform dark green glossy Plant habit: medium erect bush Plant height: medium Maturity: 55 days Advantages / Tolerances: ...
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KSh. ‍650‍
A gynodioecious papaya hybrid   Characteristics: All plants bear fruits. Female fruits are round and hermaphrodite fruits are oblong Average fruit weight: approx. 2 Kgs Maturity: 270 days from transplanting Flesh is deep yellow, firm and sweet with 14% sugar content Plant...
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KSh. 7,882
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent Determinate Hybrid Tomato with Oval Fruits Characteristics: Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 120 - 130 grams Yield potential 20 tons per acre Excellent shelf life and transport quality Resistances / Tolerances: Fusarium Wilt (Fol:...
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Sugargraze is a sweet sorghum with excellent sugar levels. A high quality cow feed because of the nutritive value and high energy sources. Soil: Fodder crops can be grown well on a wide range of soil types Soil pH should be 5.5 to 7.0, Avoid acidic and saline soils. Water &...
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KSh. 3,170
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent Indeterminate Hybrid Tomato with Oval fruits for Greenhouse   Characteristics: Indeterminate Maturity 60 - 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 100 - 120 grams Yield potential 12 - 15 kgs per plant with up to 10 fruits per cluster Excellent shelf life with very firm...
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KSh. ‍715‍
(VAT inclusive)
A refined open pollinated sweet pepper with heavy fruiting ability.   Characteristics: Standard glossy green blocky fruits Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 120-150 grams Yield potential 8 tonnes per acre Long shelf life Ideal for both green house and open field...
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KSh. 1,160
A superior early maturing watermelon variety.   Characteristics Maturity in 85 days Fruit weight 10 - 12 Kgs Yield potential - 30 - 40 Tonnes per acre Excellent storage and transportability trait Plant vigor; Very strong with green stripped skin fruit Resistances/Tolerances...
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KSh. 2,879
A very vigorous, long determinate heavy yielding plant. Deep red coloured oval fruits. Characteristics: Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 125 - 150 grams Yield Potential 40 tonnes per acre Long shelf life of up to 21 days at room temperature Plant...
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KSh. ‍700‍
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent white onion with mild pungency. Characteristics:   A high yielding variety well adapted for the tropics  Maturity 120 days from transplanting  Very popular white onion with farmers and the market  Yield potential 21 tonnes per acre  Excellent shelf...
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KSh. ‍300‍
(VAT inclusive)
A tall long picking period succulent kale. Characteristics:  Vigorous plants with many side branches  Very leafy product with continuous picking  Maturity 60 days from planting  Indeterminate very hardy product with ability to recover easily  Yield potential 8...
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Royal Seed

Kenya Highland Seed (KHS) was established in 1998 and has been supplying Top Quality Open Pollinated and Hybrid seeds to the farming community since 2000. We have an extensive ...


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