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KSh. 2,730
KINGCODE ELITE ® 50EC is a highly systemic and contact insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for contro MODE OF ACTION Lambda-cyhalothrin...
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KSh. ‍520‍
KUNGU NIL ®   200SL is a highly effective, systemic insecticide with high residual effect, effective for control of bedbugs in domestic premises, public buildings and industrial places. MODE OF ACTION: Imidacloprid  has contact and stomach poison action and works by interfering...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER FLOWERS & FRUITS ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones designed for flowering and fruiting stages in agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables, APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER SUPER START ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with Trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones designed for use during root growth in agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables, fruit crops, orn APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER SUPER GROWTH ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones that is designed for vegetative growth stages of agricultural crops including in coffee, vegetables, fr APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,500
LAVENDER TOTAL ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones that is designed for use during the whole vegetative cycle of agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables," APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. ‍590‍
Lexus® 247SC is broad spectrum systemic insecticide for control of Aphids, Whiteflies and thrips on Roses, Capsicum, French beans, Onions and tomatoes, Diamond back moth and aphids on cabbages and Aphids, thrips and caterpillars on broccoli. MODE OF ACTION Lambda cyhalothrin is a...
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KSh. ‍70‍
Loyalty® 700WDG is a highly effective, systemic insecticide with high residual effect for controlling sucking and piercing insects in a wide range of agricultural crops during nursery and growing stage. Mode of Action Imidacloprid has contact and stomach poison action and works by...
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KSh. 4,000
(VAT inclusive)
Dark red, flattened globe shape with good storage for its type. Excellent top vigour with improved Downy Mildew tolerance compared to similar maturity. Features: Good skin retention Tolerant to bolt and downy mildew Pink tolerance Maturity 80 days Yield potential 20-25 tons...
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KSh. 7,500
MILESTONE ® 250SC is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide with preventive and curative actions on a wide range of diseases on agricultural crops. MODE OF ACTION Azoxystrobin acts by inhibiting spore production, mycelial growth and respiration in fungi. APPLICATION RATES Crop...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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KSh. ‍630‍
OCCASION STAR® 200SC is broad spectrum, systemic with contact and stomach action insecticide for control of thrips, caterpillars and spider mites on roses, thrips and diamondback moth in broccoli and fall armyworm in maize and sweet corn. MODE OF ACTION:  Indoxacarb (Oxadiazine...
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KSh. ‍500‍
OPTIMIZER ®  is designed to help the plant to overcome stress moments produced by drought, flooding, adverse weather etc., and its application bio-activates the plant stimulating growth thus increasing production as well as the plant general con A pure natural fermented seaweed Liquid...
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KSh. 1,780
PENTAGON ® 50 EC is a highly active contact and ingestion insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphids,...
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KSh. 2,000
PLANT SOUL ® is a Zinc phosphite solution, a fundamental element in a large number of enzymatic processes in crops; in the synthesis of tryptophan, formation of starch, antioxidant effects and enhancing the natural defense system of plants with invig Benefits of PLANT SOUL ®...
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KSh. 3,330
PREDATOR ® 340EC is a pre-mergence and post-emergence herbicide which is primarily used for controlling a wide range of weeds in onion and garlic fields used to control broad leaved weeds and grasses in onions. MODE OF ACTION Pendimethalin (dinitroaniline group) is a contact...
Active IngredientsOxyfluorfen
In stock
KSh. 1,100
PRESENTO ® 200SP is a highly systemic insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against a range of insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphid Crop Pest Rate Method of...
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Greenlife Crop Protection Africa


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