Crop ProductionProducts found: 75

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Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. ‍560‍
ESCORT® 19EC is an Insecticide/ miticide for control of diamond back moth on cabbages; thrips, spider mites and caterpillars on French beans, and Roses, thrips on tomatoes, capsicum and onions and fall armyworms on maize. MODE OF ACTION Emamectin benzoate acts by interfering with...
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KSh. 14,000
FARMCHANCE ® 250 EC is the powerful nematicide for agriculture. It has both nematicidal and nematostatic activity by killing nematodes in crop roots swiftly and inhibiting nematode infestation and development in crop roots for a long duration. Active ingredient Fosthiazate 250g/L Target...
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KSh. ‍450‍
FERRARI GOLD ® is a liquid soluble calcium fertilizer enriched with sufficient macro/microelements for strengthening cell walls & correcting nutrient deficiencies. It helps in balancing crops physiological activity and reduces probabilities of ro Benefits of FERRARI GOLD ® Full...
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KSh. 2,500
FORESTER ® 150EC is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. FORESTER ® 150EC is applied when weeds are between 2-8 leaf stage. FORESTER ® 150EC kills all germinated Grass weeds and is able to sele MODE OF ACTION:  Fluazifop-p-butyl kills...
Active IngredientsFluazifop-p-butyl
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KSh. ‍440‍
FORTRESS GOLD ® 720WP is an enhanced excellent systemic and contact fungicide with preventive, curative and protective actions on a wide range of diseases. MODE OF ACTION: Cymoxanil is a penetrant anti-mildew fungicide which prevents sporulation. Mancozeb reacts with, and...
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KSh. 3,600
GEARLOCK TURBO ® 250WP is a systemic fungicide with protective, eradicative, and curative action against a wide range of diseases on agricultural crops.  MODE OF ACTION Metalaxyl is a systemic fungicide which inhibits fungal growth. Propamocarb Hydrochloride is a systemic...
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KSh. ‍480‍
Goldchance COMPOUND ® is a fully water soluble NPK fertilizer designed for growing stages in a wide range of agricultural crops including vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and lawns. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Crop Rate of application Vegetables; Tomatoes, Kales, Cabbages, Spinach,...
Goldchance SUPER FLOWERS & FRUITS ® is a fully water soluble NPK fertilizer designed for flowering and fruiting stages of a wide range of agricultural crops including vegetables, fruits and ornamentals. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Crops Rate of application Vegetables; Tomatoes,...
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KSh. ‍700‍
GATIT SUPER GROWTH ® is a fully water soluble NPK fertilizer designed for vegetative growth stages in a wide range of agricultural crops including vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and lawns. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Crop Rate of application Vegetables; Tomatoes, Kales, Cabbages,...
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KSh. ‍480‍
Goldchance SUPER START ® is a fully water soluble NPK fertilizer designed for early crop establishment/ growth stages in a wide range of agricultural crops including vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and lawns. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Crops Rate of application Vegetables; Tomatoes,...
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KSh. ‍480‍
Goldchance® Multi Super K is a highly soluble NPK Water Soluble Compound Fertilizer. Goldchance® Multi Super K is a highly soluble NPK Water Soluble Compound Fertilizer: Nitrogen(as N)=13.3% Nitric Nitrogen (Water Soluble as N-NO 3 )=12.9% Ammonium Nitrogen (as N-NH4)=0.4% Water...
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KSh. 1,750
GOVERNOR® 580 SE is a pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide. It is used to control annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in maize fields and non cropped areas. MODE OF ACTION: Acetoclor, selective herbicde, absorbed mainly by the shoots and secondarily by the roots of germinating...
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KSh. 1,800
GREEN COP ® 500WP is an excellent contact fungicide with protective action for the control of wide range of diseases particularly Botrytis, rust, Angular leaf spot, Early and Late blight, Coffee leaf rust and Coffee berry disease (CBD) in various agr MODE OF ACTION:  Copper Oxychloride...
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KSh. ‍420‍
HOTLINE® 450SC  is an excellent selective broad spectrum pre-emergence and  pre-transplant herbicide that controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and grasses in French beans, Corn, carrots and onion fields. Mode of Action Linuron is a foliar absorbed and residual herbicide that...
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KSh. ‍560‍
HUMIPOWER ® is a water soluble soil amendment and blend that contains potassium, Iron EDDHA, humates and fulvic acid in granular form. It is used in agricultural, horticultural and field crops, landscaping lawns, pot plants as well as gardening. It i APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS:...
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KSh. 1,060
HURRICANE® 200SL is a broad-spectrum non-selective herbicide for control of annual broadleaved weeds and grasses in maize, baby corn, sugarcane plantations and non-cropped fields. MODE OF ACTION:  Paraquat is a non-selective contact herbicide which acts by inhibiting photosynthesis....
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KSh. ‍720‍
INDOKING 300SC is a Indoxacarb-based insecticide for control of destructive larval stages of Lepidopterans such as Fall Armyworms, Bollworms, Diamondback moth, False Codling moth, Tuta absoluta and leafminers among other pests on a wide range of crops.&n (Indoxacarb 300 g/L) Highly effective...
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KSh. 1,100
INTEGRA ®  is an organo-silicone based non-ionic wetter and spreader, highly effective in improving spray coverage, adhesion and penetration of chemicals. MODE OF ACTION:   INTEGRA ® acts by lowering surface tension and increasing droplet spread and by altering solubility...
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KSh. 1,550
JAMBO CLEAN ® is a combination of cleaner and fertilizer, which removes all sooty moulds, honeydew, dust, grease and other contaminants off leaf surface, nourishes crops by supplying phosphorus and nitrogen, necessitates maximum light exposure for ph Advantages of  JAMBO CLEAN ®...
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KSh. 1,690
KATERINA ® 720SC is an excellent contact fungicide for the preventative action on a wide range of diseases particularly downy mildew and botrytis on roses and squash, early and late blight on tomatoes, and coffee berry disease (CBD) on coffee. KATERINA ® 720SC is an excellent contact...
In stock
KSh. 2,730
KINGCODE ELITE ® 50EC is a highly systemic and contact insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for contro MODE OF ACTION Lambda-cyhalothrin...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER FLOWERS & FRUITS ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones designed for flowering and fruiting stages in agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables, APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER SUPER START ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with Trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones designed for use during root growth in agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables, fruit crops, orn APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER SUPER GROWTH ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones that is designed for vegetative growth stages of agricultural crops including in coffee, vegetables, fr APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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Greenlife Crop Protection Africa


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