Vendor productsProducts found: 124

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High yielding cabbage with excellent head uniformity leading to sealed heads and good transport and storage qualities. Features:  -Matures in 70 - 75 days. -Has a compact head weight. 4- 5kg. -Excellent head uniformity leading to sealed heads. -Good transport and storage...
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Victory 72 WP is a wettable powder fungicide for the control of early and late blight, downy mildew and suppression of leak and pink rot in vegetables. Target pests/pathogens                                ...
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Determinate hybrid variety. Strong vigorous plant with very good foliage cover for open field production. Early to medium maturity.  Oval fruit shape with an average 120 - 130g fruit weight.    Very firm fruits with excellent red color.  Long shelf life.  High...
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Strong plant, high shelve quality, high crops, fruit uniformity. High yield, good continuity • Size (WxL): 8.5×9 cm • Weight (gr.): 200 • Maturity: Early • Fruit Walls: Thick • Plant Height & Habit: Tall and strong • Growing System: Spanish trellising for greenhouse and...
Amiran Kenya

Our mission is to bring the highest quality products and state-of-the art technology from world class suppliers to develop new services in the growing, but challenging markets ...


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