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A post emergence herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual & perennial grass weeds on legume crops: Onions, tomato, potato, snow peas and broccoli. Propaquizafop 100g/L MODE OF ACTION: Agil 100EC is absorbed through the leaves and translocated to the meristematic tissues where it...
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Agriphite enhances plant immunity against fungal and bacterial attacks especially powdery mildew and downy mildew. AI: Dipotassium phosphite.  50-100 ML/20L
Agromaster Fertilizer; with a  superior range in performance that combines control release technology with a specially formulated NPK granule providing nitrogen control & high quality nutrients uniformly. Less is More Controlled release fertilizers (CRF)  Controlled Release...
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Copper based fungicide. This product has been discontinued and replaced with Dorado . Copper based fungicide. This product has been discontinued and replaced with Dorado . MODE/ RATE OF USE:  Foliar Spray: 50g/20L  CBD - 7.7Kg/Ha(140g/20Lt),  CLR - 3.8Kg/Ha(70g/20L...
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Fungicide for the control of Downy Mildew on Roses, control of Early and Late blight on Tomatoes and Potatoes. Cymoxanil 8%+ Mancozeb 64%
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16 Litre, high efficiency and low labour intensity knapsack sprayer. High efficiency, low labor intensity, continuous operation.  Less maintenance and long spray injection range. 
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AMISIL is an adjuvant with an active ingredient Polyalkyleneoxide modified Heptamethyl trisilixane 80% as a spreader/ sticker for use on outdoor/indoor crops. Organo silicone RATE; 10ml/20L
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It is a fresh market variety that does very well in the greenhouse, but can also do well in open field. The fruit is deep red, firm and oval shaped. Tomato Anna F1 has high resistance to Alternaria stem canker, Verticillium, Fusarium wilt as well as nematodes  Maturity is 75 days...
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ANSAL is an elongated square round tomato hybrid. It is best suitable for open field environment conditions. ANSAL brings value to the growers in terms of overall fruit quality, disease package, extended shelf life & plant yield. Features Excellent fruit firmness Uniform & attractive...
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Ariane, a post emergence selective herbicide for control of broad-leaved weeds such us Cleaves, Knotweed, Black night shade, Black bind mallow, Pigweed & Yellow daisy in wheat, barley, oats. Fluroxypyr 60g/L + Clopyralid 23.3g/L + MCPA 266.7g/L Lawn application rate; 60ml per 20Lt for...
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Vigorous crop vine with predominant female flowers. Vigorous crop vine with predominant female flowers.  Maturity: 35-40 days from sowing  Fruit: Cylindrical shape with is deep green skin color.  Fruit size: 250-300g  Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew,...
Aster Extrim 20 SL is an insecticide which is both contact and systemic used to control white flies,thrips, aphids,leaf miner,mealy bugs. T arget pests/pathogens                                      ...
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Aviram F1 is an iceberg type lettuce light green for outdoor/greenhouse production with an early maturity of 65-75 days from seeding. It has a good heat and bolting resistance  Slightly flattened globe head shape.  Weighs 300-700g.
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An insecticide and acaricide for control of motile stages of spidermites leaf miner larvae on Roses, French beans and Tomatoes. Target pests/pathogens                                      ...
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Fungicide for the control of Late Blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes, Downy mildew and Botrytis in Roses Dimethomorph 200g/L and Fluazinam 200g/L DESCRIPTION: BIGO® 400SC is a systemic fungicide for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes and tomatoes, as well as downy...
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A water quality improving agent with wetting, spreading and acidifying qualities with a built in pH indicator for use with contact and systemic pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and foliar feeds. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: * The pH and hardness of spray solutions may have a marked effect on the...
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A very uniform, disease tolerant, good holding market cabbage from Seminis. Disease Resistance           Black Rot Tip Burn Yellows Resistant 
Cayman is a Brachiaria hybrid variety. It is a high yielding and nutritious perennial forage grass that is suitable for large and small ruminants for increased beef and milk production. Commercial name:   Cayman grass •   Scientific name:   Brachiaria hybrid cv. CIAT BR...
A proven alternative to increase meat and milk production. Mulato II is the most successful and planted Brachiaria hybrid worldwide. BRACHIARIA HYBRID (CIAT 36087) Mulato II grass is the newest alternative to improve productivity in semi-intensive meat and milk systems. Recommended for...
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Sabiá hybrid brachiaria adapts to various environmental conditions. Its robustness and low canopy height for grazing management are valuable functional benefits, which provide adaptability and reliability. In ideal conditions, with fertile soils and adequate management, it presents a high...
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Contact and systemic insecticide against aphids, whitefly and thrips. Imidacloprid 75g/I + Betacyfluthrin  15mls/20L
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Very good fruit set & high yields over a long time. Uniform production Superior internal quality Excellent flavor and high sugar Good shelf life SIZE:1.5 - 3.00 Kg
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Cucumber Carmen is a nice variety mainly for greenhouse. Parthenocarpic type Good shelf life Greenhouse production Early Maturing
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The  first 'TASTE' tomato variety in Kenya. Attack your taste buds with a rush of tartness, with extra high level of lycopene. As a bonus, early maturing & produces generously; is suitable for greenhouse production.  Elongated fruit • Excellent fl avor and Brix • Extra high level of...
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High yield, good taste, intense red color. Plant   Vigor:  Medium Maturity:  Medium Picking:  Loose Fruit shape:  Oval Recommended growing system:  Greenhouse Planting season:  Year round   Fruit Fruit type: Cherry...
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Cherry Tomato red beauty is a greenhouse variety with a nice cluster and deep red color. Nice cluster Deep red colour Greenhouse Variety SHAPE: Globe WEIGHT(Gr): 10 – 20 Vd Fol ToMV
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Chicory, specifically the Commander variety, is a prized forage crop that stands tall in the world of livestock nutrition. With its deep taproots and nutrient-rich leaves, Commander Chicory offers a dependable source of high-quality forage.
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A suspension concentrate systemic insecticide for the control of sap feeding insects on agricultural crops. Sulfoxaflor 240g/L   Re - entry interval:   Do not enter treated area until spray deposit has dried unless wearing protective clothing.  
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Early maturing hybrid variety. Harvesting starts 30-45 days after transplant. Compact plant with very short internodes. Dark green medium sized leaves. Soft leaves with pleasant taste and good shelf life. Good tolerance to heat and cold for all year round growing. Resistant to stem rot.
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Amiran Kenya

Our mission is to bring the highest quality products and state-of-the art technology from world class suppliers to develop new services in the growing, but challenging markets ...


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